Ghost Riders in the Sky

My kids name my cars. Red Racer was our 944 Turbo. Blue Bullet was a 996 with aerokit. My white 996 was in route and the kids were struggling to come up with a name. "Snowball" was offered. Eh, no. "Snowflake". Keep trying. "Lighting". Better.

We went on a family vacation and spent one day at a dude ranch. The evening entertainment was a cookout and cowboy songs. The last song began and the lights when out.
A lone guitar began to strum Johnny Cash's Ghost Riders in the Sky. Suddenly strobe light flashed, and a black horse reared from nowhere ridden by a ghostly apparition, complete with skeleton mask and black cowboy hat. My kids gripped my arms in fear of the ghost rider.

Now "Ghost Rider" sits in my garage with Johnny Cash in the #1 slot in my CD player.


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